
The Panasonic arc welding robot cell PERFORMARC H-frame is developed to meet requirements of various industry applications.

The Panasonic arc welding robot cell PERFORMARC H-frame is developed to meet requirements of various industry applications.

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Key features of PERFORMARC PA-H-Frame-2500

Key features

wide range of different sized work components
latest technically advanced Panasonic robot and welding components
simple user-friendly control
accurate position location

The system design allows for the coverage of a wide range of different sized work components by utilizing twin workstation manipulation.

The cell comprises of the latest technically advanced Panasonic robot and welding components seamlessly integration into a system configuration for simple user-friendly control.

The torsion-free base frame design ensures accurate position location of the robot and work piece manipulation providing the capability to pick up and move the total system without any need of programming correction.

Panasonic's PerformArc H-Frame Arc Welding Robot Cell PA-H-Frame

Specifications of PERFORMARC PA-H-Frame-2500

Specifications table

Measurements (L x W x H)460 x 490 x 280cm
Mass (Weight)4000 / 4200 / 4500kg
Recommended robot typeTM-1800 / TL-1800
Fixture Area (mm)Ø 1200 x 2100mm
Max. Work Piece (mm)Ø 1000 x 2000mm
Payload (each table) (kg)250 - 1000kg