
Updated 02 Jun 2023

CAD Data

WV-U2140LA CAD Drawing DXF

Updated 22 May 2023

Image Data

AK-PLV100 product main image

AK-PLV100 product main image

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files


Spec files : ET-UW100 [DZ570*/DW530*/DX500*/FW430*/FX400*/VZ575N/VW535N/VX605N/VW435N/VX505N/VW345NZ/VX415NZ/VX400NT/LB90NT] (English) * With the ET-WM200 mounted.

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files



Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files

PT-RZ660 Spec File (English)

Spec file: RZ660 (English)

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files

(Spec Sheet)SD Memory Cards DTP Letter


Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files

SD Memory Cards Spec Sheet


Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files

WJ-NX100 Spec Sheet Letter


Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files

WJ-NX100 Spec Sheet A4


Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files

WJ-PU201 Spec Sheet A4

No.2A-359BA, A4 Size

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Files

WJ-PU201 Spec Sheet Letter

No.2A-359BL, Letter Size

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-S2111L Spec Sheet A4


Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-X4171 Spec Sheet A4

No.2A-204CA, A4 Size

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-SPV781L Spec Sheet A4

No.2A-140CA, A4 Size

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-S1131 Spec Sheet A4


Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-SFV781L Spec Sheet A4

2A-139BA, A4 Size

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-U2540L Spec Sheet A4

No.2A-244DA, A4 Size

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-U2130L Spec Sheet A4

No.2A-241DA, A4 Size

Updated 09 May 2023

Spec Sheets

WV-U2140L Spec Sheet A4

No.2A-242DA, A4 Size

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